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#OurNeighborhoods is a network of Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) grassroots organizations committed to addressing the issue of gentrification through neighborhood organizing. We build power with low-income AAPI residents and youth who have been directly impacted by displacement.


We developed these toolkits as a resource for our communities as they organize and build community power in #OurNeighborhoods.



Your guide to protecting tenant rights in your city

Building Tenant Power:

Building Tenant Power:

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Your guide to controlling development in your community

Building Neighborhood Power:

Building Neighborhood Power:

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#OurNeighborhoods is a project of the National Coalition for Asian Pacific American Community Development (National CAPACD).

In the current hot economy – where low-income AAPIs are disproportionately concentrated in the hottest and highest cost housing markets – #OurNeighborhoods are at particular risk of gentrification and displacement.

This means that, for National CAPACD, anti-displacement is our primary issue. It means that we are stepping up our efforts to support our members to build community power and economic power in the places where low-income AAPIs are at the highest risk of gentrification and displacement.



people organizing together



"The point is you need to stand up for yourself. If you don't stand up, nobody can help you."

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Data for organizing

We have also assembled some Data Tools to help community groups to assess displacement risk in their communities and to inform their advocacy.

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